Forefront Magazine

Feature stories from the Fronfront Magazine

Under armor.jpg

When a step back is actually a step forward

Back in 2004, Brad Dickerson believed joining Under Armour would be a step back for his career. In fact, he turned down two interviews before finally relenting. Having worked in the Finance field as a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for companies such as Macquarie Aviation North America and Network Building and Consulting, why would he switch to an accounting position for a company, at the time, he knew little if nothing about?


The job you were born to do

Most of the time you choose a career; sometimes it chooses you.

As a Religion and Philosophy major, Telvin Jeffries never dreamed human resources (HR) would fulfill his ambition. His managers thought otherwise. Though he was just entering the retail world, Jeffries’ strong work ethic and determination drew the attention of his superiors, who quickly promoted him to Personnel Manager...


How to get your team to get results

Mara Swan likes a challenge. After two years at ManpowerGroup as Senior Vice President (SVP) of Human Resources (HR), she felt the time had come to tackle a new giant; she looked forward to exploring new terrains. Seeing her talents, Swan’s boss chose a new task worthy of a champion—a task that would both test her abilities and propel her to even greater success. And so, in addition to her responsibilities in HR, Swan also became accountable for ManpowerGroup’s marketing, public relations, strategy, social responsibility and product expertise. In other words, she had several giants to tackle.