Blah Blah Blah Science

Artist interviews and concert reviews for the music website Blah Blah Blah Science (B3 Sci)


Interview with Basecamp

Described as R&BDM, Nashville based BASECAMP springs from Music City with a unique sound that combines everything you love about EDM mixed with the best of R&B. As the story many times goes, the band began with a few friends (also seasoned musicians) in the music scene hanging out and talking music. With a passion for the supreme, BASECAMP is a very unique amalgamation that leaves a lingering impression. In an email interview, I got to ask bandmates Aaron Miller, Aaron C. Harmon and Jordan Reyes a little bit more about their brand new baby...


Review: Empire of the sun

It’s a given with Justin Timberlake, I’d expect it with Justin Bieber and would definitely anticipate it with twerk-magnet Robin Thicke. But I never, ever, ever thought I’d get crushed to death by a savage mob in front of Empire of the Sun’s Luke Steele.

Perhaps it was just naiveté on my part, but on Thursday, September 12th it was hard to think of such dangers. Alpine, an up-and-coming group of bewitching Australians, opened the show and brought with them another level of dance-consciousness. It’s easy to see why Rolling Stone named them band to watch in July 2013. With pump and enthusiasm coupled with sparkles and paint, singers Phoebe Baker and Lou James danced with flowing hand motions, and then like clawing cats, while displaying the range of their exquisite voices. Their energy was contagious and they proved to be the perfect opening act for Empire of the Sun...


Feature 3

On Friday, Bjork returned to Chicago to headline Pitchfork Festival 2013’s opening night with her usual flair. And that night she was the coolest disco alien with a dandelion-head anyone has ever seen.

On the horizon, clouds edge closer to Union Park as fans wait for the Icelandic artist to display whatever soon-to-be-legendary costume she’d chosen for the show. “It’s got to be an octopus,” one fan says confidently. “She’s already been a swan. It’s got to be an octopus. I want a tentacle!” No one bats an eyelash. Why? Because it’s Bjork. She very well could walk out as a yeti in a tutu...